The role of youths in driving Climate Change Actions

Oluwaseyi Ale
4 min readJan 30, 2024


In an era defined by urgent environmental challenges, a powerful force of change has emerged in the form of young activists leading the charge for sustainability and climate action.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager whose “Fridays for Future” movement gained global traction, serves as a symbol of this movement’s momentum. Thunberg’s determination to demand stronger action on climate change ignited a wave of youth-led initiatives worldwide. From the United States, Jamie Margolin, co-founder of Zero Hour, has been a potent advocate for climate action, emphasizing the necessity of diverse voices in the fight against environmental degradation. Meanwhile, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Youth Director of Earth Guardians and a voice for environmental issues, has taken his activism to international forums, including the United Nations, showcasing the global impact of youth-led movements.

These examples represent a growing cadre of young activists who leverage their passion, creativity, and commitment to drive significant contributions across various sectors in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

These activists are not only influencing policy but are also shaping public awareness through diverse channels. Isra Hirsi, co-founder of the U.S. Youth Climate Strike, emphasizes the intersectionality of environmental and social justice issues, organizing climate strikes across the United States. Vanessa Nakate from Uganda founded the Rise Up Movement, advocating for climate justice and drawing attention to the disproportionate impact of climate change on African nations. The Wijsen sisters, Melati and Isabel, initiated Bye Bye Plastic Bags in Indonesia at the ages of 10 and 12, successfully campaigning for the ban of plastic bags in Bali. In Canada, Autumn Peltier, a prominent advocate for water conservation, highlights the importance of recognizing water as a human right.

These young activists showcase the potential for positive change when the passion and commitment of the youth are harnessed, emphasizing that the fight against climate change requires a collective effort, one that transcends borders and generations.

Climate change is an existential threat that demands urgent and collective action. In this global challenge, youths are emerging as influential agents of change, driving initiatives, raising awareness, and advocating for policies that address the complex issues associated with climate change. The global challenge of climate change demands urgent and collective action. In this context, the role of youths as catalysts for climate change action has gained prominence. The youth demographic, often dubbed the “Climate Generation,” is uniquely positioned to drive transformative change and advocate for sustainable practices at local, national, and global levels

This grassroots activism exemplifies the power of youth-led movements in raising awareness and fostering a sense of urgency regarding climate issues.

Youths are increasingly engaging with policymakers to influence climate-related policies. Youth-led organizations and networks, such as the Youth Climate Movement, are actively participating in international conferences like the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COP), advocating for ambitious climate goals and holding governments accountable for their commitments. The involvement of young activists in policy discourse contributes to the formulation of comprehensive and inclusive climate strategies.

Youths are at the forefront of leveraging innovation and technology to address climate change. From developing sustainable solutions to promoting renewable energy sources, young entrepreneurs and innovators play a crucial role in advancing eco-friendly technologies. The tech-savvy nature of the youth demographic enables the rapid adoption of green technologies, fostering a transition towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.

Youths actively contribute to climate change action by raising awareness and educating their communities. Youth-led initiatives focus on environmental education, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and ecological conservation. By fostering a sense of responsibility and promoting behavioral change, young advocates contribute to building a society that is environmentally conscious and resilient.

The active involvement of youths in driving climate change action should not only be acknowledged but also actively supported and encouraged by governments and communities worldwide. The urgency of addressing climate change requires a collective and comprehensive approach, and the youth demographic brings unique perspectives, innovative ideas, and a profound commitment to the cause. Governments should recognize that the youth are not just future leaders but are already leaders in the fight against climate change. Their insights, passion, and dedication contribute significantly to the development and implementation of effective climate policies. Listening to the voices of young activists ensures that policies are more inclusive, considering the long-term impacts on future generations.

Supporting youth-led initiatives is crucial for fostering a sustainable future. By providing resources, mentorship, and platforms for engagement, governments and communities can amplify the impact of youth-driven climate action. Investing in education and creating opportunities for young people to participate in decision-making processes will empower them to contribute even more effectively. Moreover, supporting sustainable and eco-friendly innovations developed by young entrepreneurs can accelerate the transition towards a greener economy.

Furthermore, the youth’s advocacy for climate action catalyzes public awareness and engagement. Governments should recognize that the youth have a significant influence on public opinion and can mobilize communities to adopt sustainable practices. By actively listening to and supporting the aspirations of the youth, governments can build a more resilient and environmentally conscious society. Ultimately, the collaboration between governments, communities, and the youth is essential for creating a harmonious and sustainable coexistence with our planet. In the face of the existential threat posed by climate change, governments and people alike must recognize and value the pivotal role that young activists play in steering us toward a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.

In conclusion, the role of youths in driving climate change action is indispensable to the global effort to mitigate environmental degradation. Through grassroots movements, policy advocacy, innovation, and education, young people are actively shaping the narrative and pushing for transformative change. The commitment and passion of the youth demographic serve as a catalyst for building a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

(Supported by Odey Joseph)



Oluwaseyi Ale

Oluwaseyi is a Climate Change Activist, Project manager, and a Writer. I create programs that drives development and Growth, I write content for marketing.